Proudly Manufactured in the United States of America by Those Who Have Served.

Coolant Troubleshooting Guide


  1. Concentration too high / low
  2. Machine cleaner in sump
  3. Mechanical – lines on suction side leaking cracks in hose, loose fittings, impeller cavitation
  4. Soft Water
  5. Pump pressure too high
  6. High tramp oil content
  7. Fluid level too high / too low


  1. Adjust concentration to specification
  2. Check pH – drain re-charge if necessary
  3. Repair or replace hose, check pump for hair-line cracks and fix or replace if necessary
  4. Sample water, treat if necessary
  5. Regulate as needed
  6. Skim off oil. Check for leaking lines
  7. Adjust fluid levels


  1. Low Concentration
  2. Low pH
  3. High tramp oil content
  4. Contamination
  5. Pump pressure too high
  6. Bacteria, fungus


  1. Adjust concentration to specifications
  2. Check pH, contact AFT
  3. Skim off tramp oil
  4. Find contamination source
  5. Drain sump. Purge solids, sludge or swarf. Put back old coolant and adjust concentration.  Recharge with fresh coolant if necessary.
  6. Treat with bacericide, fungicide. Drain, clean and recharge. Contact AFT


  1. Concentration too low
  2. Wrong product being used
  3. High tramp oil content
  4. High solids content


  1. Adjust concentration to specification
  2. Contact AFT, Inc.
  3. Skim off tramp oil
  4. Filter coolant


  1. High concentration
  2. High tramp oil content
  3. Incorrect mixing
  4. Hard Water
  5. Heavy misting


  1. Adjust concentration to specifications
  2. Skim off tramp oil
  3. Add concentrate to water. Never add straight concentrate to sump. Mix thoroughly.
  4. Treat water. Install R.O. or D.I. System.
  5. Check ventilation system. Adjust coolant nozzles. Increase coolant flow.


  1. Concentration too low
  2. Poor mixing (soluble oils)
  3. High concentration of dissolved solids in solution
  4. Galvanic reaction from dissimilar metals
  5. Evaporative cooler
  6. Fluid contamination


  1. Adjust concentration to specification
  2. Add concentrate to water. Never add straight concentrate to sump.
  3. Add concentrate to water. Never add straight concentrate to sump.
  4. Clean chips from sump.  Drain and recharge sump if necessary. Drain and recharge sump if necessary.  Keep coolant filtered.
  5. Divert air flow away from machine
  6. Check contamination sources


  1. High concentration
  2. High pH
  3. High tramp oil content
  4. Dirty shop clothes
  5. Contamination
  6. Allergies


  1. Adjust concentration to specification
  2. Check pH, Contact AFT, Inc.
  3. Skim off tramp oil
  4. Use clean, chip-free shop clothes
  5. Find contamination source and correct
  6. See doctor

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